Indian History MCQ (Part 4)

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Indian History MCQ (Part 4)

 1. Which of the following rivers is associated with the Indus Valley Civilization?

a) Ganges

b) Brahmaputra

c) Indus

d) Yamuna


Answer: c) Indus


2. Which of the following is not a site of the Indus Valley Civilization?

a) Mohenjo-Daro

b) Harappa

c) Lothal

d) Taxila


Answer: d) Taxila


3. What is the most distinctive feature of the Indus Valley Civilization?

a) The use of bronze tools and weapons

b) The construction of large temples and palaces

c) The development of a writing system

d) The use of camels for transportation


Answer: c) The development of a writing system


4. What was the main occupation of the people of the Indus Valley Civilization?

a) Agriculture

b) Hunting and gathering

c) Fishing

d) Herding


Answer: a) Agriculture


5. Which of the following was a city that was part of the Indus Valley Civilization and is now in present-day Pakistan?

a) Mohenjo-Daro

b) Harappa

c) Lothal

d) Kalibangan


Answer: a) Mohenjo-Daro

Great, here are some MCQs on the Indus Valley Civilization:


6. The Indus Valley Civilization was primarily located in which modern-day country?

a) India

b) Pakistan

c) Bangladesh

d) Sri Lanka


Answer: b) Pakistan


7. The Indus Valley Civilization was discovered in the year _______.

a) 1921

b) 1922

c) 1923

d) 1924


Answer: b) 1922


8. Which of the following was not a major city of the Indus Valley Civilization?

a) Harappa

b) Mohenjo-daro

c) Lothal

d) Ajanta


Answer: d) Ajanta


9. Which river was important to the Indus Valley Civilization?

a) Ganges

b) Brahmaputra

c) Indus

d) Yamuna


Answer: c) Indus


10. What was the writing system used by the Indus Valley Civilization called?

a) Sanskrit

b) Pali

c) Kharosthi

d) Indus script


Answer: d) Indus script


11. Which animal was not depicted in the art of the Indus Valley Civilization?

a) Elephant

b) Tiger

c) Lion

d) Hippopotamus


Answer: d) Hippopotamus


12. Which metal was commonly used by the people of the Indus Valley Civilization?

a) Gold

b) Iron

c) Copper

d) Silver


Answer: c) Copper


13. The Indus Valley Civilization declined around which time period?

a) 2000 BCE

b) 1500 BCE

c) 1000 BCE

d) 500 BCE


Answer: b) 1500 BCE


14. Which ancient Indian epic makes reference to the Indus Valley Civilization?

a) Mahabharata

b) Ramayana

c) Bhagavad Gita

d) Upanishads


Answer: a) Mahabharata


15. Which aspect of the Indus Valley Civilization remains a mystery to historians?

a) Religion

b) Trade and commerce

c) Writing system

d) Social hierarchy


Answer: c) Writing system


Great! Here are some multiple choice questions on the Indus Valley Civilization:


16. Which river was most important to the Indus Valley Civilization?

A) Ganges

B) Nile

C) Indus

D) Tigris


Answer: C) Indus


17. What was the most famous city of the Indus Valley Civilization?

A) Harappa

B) Mohenjo-Daro

C) Chanhudaro

D) Lothal


Answer: B) Mohenjo-Daro


18. What writing system did the Indus Valley Civilization use?

A) Hieroglyphics

B) Cuneiform

C) Sanskrit

D) Indus script


Answer: D) Indus script


19. What animals did the Indus Valley Civilization worship?

A) Elephants

B) Cows

C) Snakes

D) All of the above


Answer: D) All of the above


20. What is one reason the Indus Valley Civilization declined?

A) Climate change and drought

B) Invasion by outside forces

C) Internal conflict and political instability

D) All of the above


Answer: D) All of the above

Part 1         Part 2         Part 3         Part4         Part 5         Part 6

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