Indian History MCQ (Part 5)

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Indian History MCQ (Part 5)


1. In which present-day country did the Indus Valley Civilization exist?

a) India

b) Pakistan

c) Nepal

d) Bangladesh


Answer: b) Pakistan


2. What is the name of the largest and most well-known city of the Indus Valley Civilization?

a) Harappa

b) Mohenjo-daro

c) Lothal

d) Kalibangan


Answer: b) Mohenjo-daro


3. The Indus Valley Civilization was primarily located in which river valley?

a) Ganges

b) Indus

c) Brahmaputra

d) Yamuna


Answer: b) Indus


4. What is the name of the script used by the Indus Valley Civilization that remains undeciphered?

a) Brahmi

b) Devanagari

c) Kharosthi

d) Indus


Answer: d) Indus


5. Which animal was not found on the seals of the Indus Valley Civilization?

a) Cow

b) Elephant

c) Lion

d) Horse


Answer: d) Horse


6. The Indus Valley civilization existed during which time period?

a) 4000-2500 BCE

b) 2500-1500 BCE

c) 1500-1000 BCE

d) 1000-500 BCE


Answer: b) 2500-1500 BCE


7. The largest and most well-known city of the Indus Valley civilization was:

a) Harappa

b) Mohenjo-Daro

c) Lothal

d) Kalibangan


Answer: b) Mohenjo-Daro


8. What is the name of the system of writing used by the Indus Valley civilization?

a) Cuneiform

b) Hieroglyphics

c) Kharosthi

d) Indus script


Answer: d) Indus script


9. Which river was most closely associated with the Indus Valley civilization?

a) Ganges

b) Brahmaputra

c) Indus

d) Yamuna


Answer: c) Indus


10. The Indus Valley civilization was known for its advanced:

a) pottery

b) architecture

c) metalworking

d) all of the above


Answer: d) all of the above

Great! Here are some MCQs related to the Indus Valley Civilization:


11. Which river is associated with the Indus Valley Civilization?

a) Indus River

b) Ganges River

c) Brahmaputra River

d) Yamuna River


Answer: a) Indus River


12. Which of the following was not a major city of the Indus Valley Civilization?

a) Harappa

b) Mohenjo-Daro

c) Lothal

d) Ajanta


Answer: d) Ajanta


13. Which of the following animals was not depicted in the art of the Indus Valley Civilization?

a) Elephant

b) Lion

c) Tiger

d) Hippopotamus


Answer: d) Hippopotamus


14. What was the script used by the Indus Valley Civilization called?

a) Sanskrit

b) Brahmi

c) Prakrit

d) Undeciphered


Answer: d) Undeciphered


15. Which metal was not used by the Indus Valley Civilization?

a) Gold

b) Copper

c) Bronze

d) Iron


Answer: d) Iron


16. Which of the following was not a craft practiced by the Indus Valley Civilization?

a) Pottery

b) Weaving

c) Metalworking

d) Paper-making


Answer: d) Paper-making


17. Which of the following was not a system of measurement used by the Indus Valley Civilization?

a) Length

b) Weight

c) Volume

d) Time


Answer: d) Time


18. What is the name of the drainage system found in the Indus Valley Civilization cities?

a) Canal system

b) River system

c) Irrigation system

d) Sewerage system


Answer: d) Sewerage system


19. Which of the following was not a religious belief of the Indus Valley Civilization?

a) Polytheism

b) Monotheism

c) Animism

d) Atheism


Answer: b) Monotheism


20. Which ancient civilization is believed to have had trade relations with the Indus Valley Civilization?

a) Mesopotamia

b) Ancient Egypt

c) China

d) All of the above


Answer: d) All of the above

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